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Luca Citino

Economist at Bank of Italy

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Policy briefs (in English)

The effect of climate change on the Italian economy, part 1: The damages with Matteo Alpino, Guido De Blasio and Federica Zeni on VoxEU

The effect of climate change on the Italian economy, part 2: Policy with Matteo Alpino, Guido De Blasio and Federica Zeni on VoxEU

Large shock, small adjustment - Evidence from the 2021 energy crisis with Matteo Alpino and Annalisa Frigo on SUERF 07/2023

Articles (in Italian)

Cambia il clima, cambia l’economia with Matteo Alpino , Guido de Blasio and Federica Zeni on 07/11/2022

Così la pandemia ha distrutto e creato lavoro with Edoardo Di Porto, Andrea Linarello, Francesca Lotti, Andrea Petrella and Enrico Sette, on 15/09/2022

Social cost of carbon: una metrica utile per valutare il PNNR with Matteo Alpino and Federica Zeni, on 26/06/2021


“Econometrics mini-course on difference-in-differences” at Bank of Italy

“The impacts of climate change on the Italian economy” within the Policy evaluation summer school at University of Rome III, 2022-2023 editions